If you fancy a laugh or need to kill boredom, check out these top fifteen bizarre facts about eating disorders and learn something new!
Acuphagia – Has the urge to eat sharp objects.
Amylophagia – Has the urge to eat washing powder.
Cautopyreiophagia – Has the urge to eat burnt matches.
Coprophagia – Has the urge to eat feces.
Geomelophagia – Has the urge to eat raw potatoes.
Geophagia – Has the urge to eat soil.
Gooberphagia – Has the urge to eat peanuts.
Lithophagia – Has the urge to eat stones.
Mucophagy – Has the urge to eat mucus.
Ortharexia Nervosa – This is a disorder where the sufferer is obsessed with eating healthy food.
Pagophagia – Has the urge to eat ice.
Pica – With this disorder, the sufferer craves and eats non-food substances like rock, sand, and others.
Plumbophagia – Has the urge to eat lead.
Trichophagia – Has the urge to eat hair.
Xylophobia – Has the urge to eat wood.