30 Fun Facts About Lois Griffin | Family Guy
Lois Griffin in the American sitcom Family Guy was originally going to be blonde.
Jade Hillock is a freelance blogger who has written for many clients including projects with the performer, Lootah Paytah. She is currently writing her first book and prequel to her first fantasy/adventure saga.
Lois Griffin in the American sitcom Family Guy was originally going to be blonde.
Did you know that the Pokémon Slowbro can run up to 43 miles per hour?
There is no actual difference between brown eggs and white eggs… they are merely different colors.
Though some hamsters are as small as 2-4 inches, the largest ones are approximately 13" long.
In 1983, the first Mario Bros. game was released featuring Mario and his brother Luigi.
Superstition says that if you dream about the number 30 it means someone is lying to you.
Comets are made of ices such as water, carbon dioxide, ammonia & methane, mixed with dust from when the Solar System was formed.
Some ants can support 50 to 100 times their own weight. Even while hanging upside-down on the underside of glass.
The practice of trick-or-treating has been around since the time of the Celts 2,000 years ago. Halloween was then called Samhain.
Did you know that as strange as it may be, spiders do not actually have blood?
Did you know that Clownfish can live up to five years in captivity?
Did you know that lemurs have scent glands in their wrists?