30 Facts About Aaron Paul That Won’t Break You
In season 5 of Breaking Bad, Aaron Paul was paid $150,000 per episode.
Most celebrities are often typecast into specific roles; however, they are much more than they seem in the media.
Here we’ll explore your favorite celebrities, looking at the facts about their early life, career, family & hobbies, and much more!
Whether you’re looking for actors, singers, authors, or simply want to browse our facts, here you’ll find the most surprising and downright weird facts about all your favorite stars!
In season 5 of Breaking Bad, Aaron Paul was paid $150,000 per episode.
The Backpack Kid’s backpack isn’t empty. He carries a water bottle, charger and earbuds - to keep it weighted while he dances.
Evangeline Lilly landed the role for Kate in "Lost" despite having no prior acting experience.
Jack Gilinsky is a very big advocate of Starbucks, his favorite drink being a Caramel Macchiato.
Casey Neistat is known for his creative vlogging style with stop animation, handmade graphics & impressive DIY videos.
Singer Charlie Puth was attacked by a dog when he was just two years old, and it nearly killed him.
Did you know that Emilie de Ravin who is well known for playing Claire in LOST is a big animal rights advocate?
On average, PewDiePie receives around 2 million views on each video after only 24 hours of uploading them.
Before acting professionally Vera Farmiga worked in customer service for an air conditioning company.
In his spare time, Freddie Highmore is an accomplished musician, and enjoys spending time playing the clarinet.
Meghan Trainor wrote her first original song when she was 13 titled “Give Me A Chance”.
Self-made YouTube star Dylan Dauzat made his first YouTube video with a camera he was given as a Christmas gift.