April 13th is known as Thomas Jefferson Day as well as Scrabble Day.
We’ve reached the 104th day of the year. There are 262 days left until the end of the year.
This day may be a great day for board games, but unfortunately the history of this day hasn’t all been fun & games. Here we look at historical events that all happened on this very day, April 13.
Did you know that on this day in 1796, The United States received its first elephant? It was purchased in Calcutta for $450 and sold in New York for $10,000!
Keep reading for more fun & interesting facts about April 13th in history!
What memorable events happened on April 13 in history? Keep reading to find out!
The FBI arrested US Air National Guardsman Jack Teixeria for leaking classified documents.
Teixeira, a cyber transport systems journeyman, leaked highly classified national defense information to his gaming friends on Discord’s social media app.
Simpsons voice actor Hank Azaria apologized for voicing Apu for 30 years.
Azaria, a white man, felt he needed to apologize to “every single Indian person” for the harm he did in voicing the iconic Indian shopkeeper.
The world’s largest plane, The Stratolaunch, had its first flight from the Mojave Desert in California.

The airplane was built to launch rockets into orbit while high in the atmosphere. Its wingspan was bigger than a football field.
The director of the CIA launched Project MKUltra, the US’ top secret mind control program.
The highly controversial and illegal program used various methods, including the forced exposure to certain substances to manipulate captives into giving up vital information against their will. The program was only halted in 1973, and the majority of files relating to it were destroyed.
Famous Births
If today’s your birthday, you share this special day with Ron Perlman! Here are other famous people born on this day.
Thomas Jefferson

Died On:
Jul 4, 1826 (Age 83)
Born In:
Virginia, USA
Allison Williams

36 years old
Born In:
Connecticut, USA
Ron Perlman

74 years old
Born In:
New York, USA
Below you’ll find the most popular things people have said or written on this day throughout history.
Sometimes you need to get hit in the head to realize that you’re in a fight.

Michael Jordan
American Basketball Player
Houston, we have a problem.

Jim Lovell
American Astronaut
The greatest human achievements have never been for profit.

H. P. Lovecraft
American Writer
Special Holidays
Looking for a reason to celebrate? Well, here’s a few! These unique holidays are sure to bring some enjoyment to your day.

National Thomas Jefferson Day
On April 13, 1743, the third President of the United States was born. Thomas Jefferson was no ordinary man, no, for he was one of the US’ Founding Fathers and one of the greatest Presidents the US has ever seen. Celebrate today by learning more about his great deeds!

National Scrabble Day
Alfred Mosher Butts, the inventor of Scrabble, was born on this day in 1899, so what better day to celebrate his timeless board game? Gather your friends and family for a fun-filled evening on Scrabble Day, and do try to be civil when someone inevitably makes up a word!
THe Fact Site’s
Fun Fact Of The Day
The longest Cricket Test match lasted over 12 days between England and South Africa. It only ended because the English team would have missed their boat home.
Birthday & Zodiac
Those of you who were born on April 13th share the Aries zodiac sign.
Aries send out positive energy into everything and everybody around them. Feeding off this power source can be exhilarating for other signs.
If you were born in April, your birthstone is the Diamond. This rare gem brings such a balance into the wearer’s life to bring rich and long-lasting relationships to fruition.
Anyone born on April 13 would likely have been conceived around July 21 in the previous year.
A baby that is conceived on this day will be due around January 4th, 2025.