30 Facts About Starbucks You Will Love a-Latte!
Did you know every scene in the movie “Fight Club” shows a cup of Starbucks?
Mmmmm food! Prepare for mouthwateringly delicious facts about all the foods and drinks in the world!
Here at The Fact Site, we’ve dedicated an entire section to the most impressive and obscure food facts.
Dig in to these amazing facts about fruit, vegetables, meats, soft drinks, and chocolate that will not just educate you but will leave you hungry for more!
Did you know every scene in the movie “Fight Club” shows a cup of Starbucks?
Did you know that it is considered bad luck to cut a mince pie with a knife?
According to a study, around 1 and 1/4 cups of sprouts can actually help protect DNA inside our white blood cells.
Hand-picked tea has a smoother flavor and higher quality than the tea trimmed by machine.
It was reported that Charles Darwin once gagged on a meal of brown owl, writing that the taste was "indescribable".
Eating a banana can help to form a lining that prevents heartburn from getting worse.
In 1824 John Cadbury opened a shop selling tea, coffee & hot chocolate. Cadbury is now one of the most popular brands world-wide.
Did you know that Skittles, Sour Patch Kids and Oreos are all suitable for vegans?
According to the National Peanut Board, the average 12 ounce jar of peanut butter requires around 540 to 550 peanuts to fill.
In 2012, a resident of Illinois managed to break a world record by peeling and consuming 8 whole bananas in 60 seconds.
There are only four ingredients in Guinness - malted barley, hops, brewer’s yeast, and water.
Did you know that the animals on the Red Bull logo are not cattle, but a type of bovine called a “gaur”?