5 Mouth-Watering Facts About Watermelons
Did you know that watermelons can be kept edible for months if kept at the right conditions?
Mmmmm food! Prepare for mouthwateringly delicious facts about all the foods and drinks in the world!
Here at The Fact Site, we’ve dedicated an entire section to the most impressive and obscure food facts.
Dig in to these amazing facts about fruit, vegetables, meats, soft drinks, and chocolate that will not just educate you but will leave you hungry for more!
Did you know that watermelons can be kept edible for months if kept at the right conditions?
Did you know that cherries are rich with dietary fiber, which helps you feel full quicker?
Truffles are one of the most expensive ingredients in the world, with white truffles costing up to $1,400 per pound.
Did you know that you can get a dongle for the iPhone which releases the smell of cooking bacon?
In Australia, Burger King is known as Hungry Jacks due to a copyright infringement of an existing company.
In 2019 McDonald's replaced plastic straws with paper straws in the 1,361 McDonald's restaurants in the UK.
Milky Way bars aren't named after the galaxy; they're named after the malted milkshakes the bars were supposed to taste like.
The fourth spiciest chili is the 7 Pot Primo; this pepper was developed by Louisianan Primo or Troy Primeaux.
Did you know the guava fruit contains four times more vitamin C than an orange?
The world's most poisonous foods include; Fugu, Giant Bullfrog, Ackee & Casu Marzu.
Did you know that KFC’s famous bucket meal was first sold way back in 1957?
The Australian government rebranded locusts as "sky prawns" to make them sound appealing while they had a bad locust plague.