8 Shocking Facts About The Spanish Flu
Did you know that the Spanish Flu did not originate in Spain?
“Those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it.” This infamous quote is known by pretty much everyone. But just how much history do you actually know?
We’re confident you know the basics, but history is so much more than the basics!
Whether you’re looking for random history facts or just browsing, you’ll find something to pique your interest here.
Did you know that the Spanish Flu did not originate in Spain?
In the US many shelters won't put black cats up for adoption, as they are worried that people would only want them for Halloween.
Did you know that the ancient Egyptians were some of the first people to mummify the dead? The whole process took around 70 days.
The Twin Towers cost $900 million to construct. When adjusted for inflation today, this is equivalent to over $5 billion.
Did you know that the Roman Empire was so vast in its reach that Alaska would have fit into it more than three times?
Did you know that during the Cold War, Pepsi Co became the sixth largest military in the world?
Prankster Horace de Vere Cole once hosted a dinner party where all the guests had the word "bottom" in their surnames.
Knowing that upon his death his pension would go to his wife, Albert Göring married his housekeeper one week before he died.
Australia's national bird, the emu can run up to 30 miles per hour. This caused issues when the Great Emu War was in full swing.
Did you know that purple is the rarest color used in all flags? There are only two countries in the world that use this color.
Winston Churchill had a doctors note to enable him to drink "unlimited" amounts of alcohol while visiting the USA.
In order to contact their hostages in secret, Alfonso Diaz came up with the idea to hide a message in Morse Code within a song.