How Does the Tennis Scoring System Work?
In tennis, it's believed that the term "love" comes came from the phrase "playing for the love of the game."
Science and nature go hand in hand! Luckily for you, we have dozens of pages covering this huge topic, from space to food and even general health.
So choose your favorite topic between our selections and fill your mind with crazy facts!
In tennis, it's believed that the term "love" comes came from the phrase "playing for the love of the game."
Glow sticks light up from a chemical procedure known as "chemiluminesence".
Even though we may not consider owls to be the most graceful, did you know some owls have special feathers to fly quietly?
Thomas Edison didn't invent the light bulb. The light bulb actually goes all the way back to 1806.
Did you know that popcorn pops when it reaches a temperature of about 347°F?
The main reason baked beans are so healthy is because they contain antioxidants.
Did you know that smokers have ten times more wrinkles than people that do not smoke?
Did you know that dik-diks get their name from the sound they make while in danger? Some people say it sounds more like "zik-zik."
Yawning is contagious, if you see somebody yawn, there's a very high chance you'll feel like yawning too.
They worked out that a duck's quack does echo, but it is really tricky to hear because of the tone of the quack.
Believe it or not, but Jaffa Cakes are actually cakes, which is why VAT isn't charged on them.