15 Smashing Facts About Glass
Did you know that only certain types of glass can be recycled? While glass bottles and jars are fine, mirrors are not!
Science and nature go hand in hand! Luckily for you, we have dozens of pages covering this huge topic, from space to food and even general health.
So choose your favorite topic between our selections and fill your mind with crazy facts!
Did you know that only certain types of glass can be recycled? While glass bottles and jars are fine, mirrors are not!
Did you know that when 7-Eleven first introduced the Slurpee in 1966, it initially offered only two flavors: Coca-Cola and Cherry?
Did you know that the same mineral which gives rubies their deep red hue, chromium, also causes them to crack?
The 33rd element on the periodic table is Arsenic, a metalloid often found in many common foods, including apples and rice.
Did you know that bullfighters wear a yellow and pink cape for most of the fight and only switch to a red cape at the very end?
Did you know that Gatorade was once fined $300k for misleading people into thinking it was better for your health than water?
People born in June can choose between three different birthstones: pearls, moonstones, or alexandrites.
Did you know that one of the world's greatest artists, Leonardo da Vinci was a polymath?
In-N-Out Burger became the world's first true drive-thru when its founder invented the two-way intercom system for placing orders.
Richard Nixon was the first US President to ever celebrate Earth Day in 1971. He died 23 years later on Earth Day.
Many Flat Earthers believe that we're kept from falling off the world's edge by a wall of ice.
Did you know that the style of grilled cheese that we know and love today was only popularized in the 1920s?