Who Are The Oldest People In Each Religion?
Did you know that the oldest known person in the Hebrew Bible is Methuselah, at 969 years old?
You have the questions; we have the answers! Here you’ll find questions you never even thought to ask.
You’ll find mind-boggling questions like, what do blind people dream about? Or, can you reach the end of a rainbow? We’ve answered them, so you don’t have to do the research and heavy brain-lifting yourself!
Take your pick of these unique questions and dive in to find the answers you never knew you needed!
Did you know that the oldest known person in the Hebrew Bible is Methuselah, at 969 years old?
For just one prosthetic leg of the Darth Vader suit, it would cost $70,000.
The Internal Combustion Engine generates motive power by the burning of fuel and air inside the engine to push pistons.
A day on Uranus lasts 17 Earth hours, and a year on the planet equates to 84 years on Earth.
In 1991 3D printing took health to a whole new level when a 3D bladder was produced.
On May 7, 2013 Syria had a country-wide internet blackout for 20 hours, apparently due to a severed internet cable.
Saint Nicholas lived during the 4th Century - a time when their robes were red and white.
Lapland is in the northern part of Finland, and the Finnish people aren't prepared to accept that Santa might live anywhere else.
Did you know that there are exactly 21 million bitcoin that can be mined in total?
Did you know that Fort Knox is held together with a whopping 750 tons of reinforced steel?
The invention of the Pokéball pre-dates the Pokémon canon by a period of time between 400 - 700 years.
Chocolate releases endorphins into the body, which are responsible for creating desire & energy in the body, making us feel happy.