Why Do Camels Have Humps?
Did you know that camels humps are not actually filled with water?
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You’ll find mind-boggling questions like, what do blind people dream about? Or, can you reach the end of a rainbow? We’ve answered them, so you don’t have to do the research and heavy brain-lifting yourself!
Take your pick of these unique questions and dive in to find the answers you never knew you needed!
Did you know that camels humps are not actually filled with water?
In a study, most people responded saying they would happily pay up to 15% more for sweatshop-free clothing.
In Scotland, a brutally cold winter actually means more midges appear in the spring and summer.
Those trademark pirate eye-patches are nothing to do with a missing eye, but rather to see better in the dark.
A "factoid" is a piece of brief or trivial information or news that is false but presented as a fact.
Over a period of 500 million years, the tardigrade has outlived five mass extinctions.
In general, serial killings are extremely rare. Only 1% of murders in any given year are at the hands of serial killers.
Even though the function of the appendix is unknown, scientists still believe it still serves a relevant purpose.
Did you know that mirrors actually have a color? A faint color, but a color nonetheless!
Did you know that Scandinavia has the largest amount of magnetic material in the world?
Contact juggling became popular after David Bowie was seen doing it in the classic movie Labyrinth.
Cloud seeding is process of spreading chemicals like dry ice to forcefully make clouds undergo precipitation.