National Pink Day | June 23
In the 19th century, it was typical for young boys in England to wear pink ribbons and other decorations.
Different colors make you feel various emotions. Some colors make you hungry, while others make you happy! But which is which?
Every color certainly has a lot of unique attributes, sometimes used for representative reasons, other times just used for aesthetic value. Find out what’s what with these colorful facts!
In the 19th century, it was typical for young boys in England to wear pink ribbons and other decorations.
Of the global population, only 5% have hazel eyes. Hazel is, in fact, different from brown eyes, which over 79% of people have.
Did you know that scientifically, the color black isn't even considered a color? It's just a complete lack of light.
When you see the color white on your TV, it’s not actually white – it’s a mixture of green, red and blue lights.
If all colors are in the rainbow, then where's pink? According to scientists, pink isn't a real color... it's a human-made color.
In Christianity red represents the blood of Jesus, while green represents his eternal life.
Did you know owning an orange car apparently means you're fun-loving and trendy?
There is no actual difference between brown eggs and white eggs… they are merely different colors.
Did you know that "Purple Day" was created in 2008 by Cassidy Megan, a nine year-old Canadian?
The color pink has been used on prison walls in order to reduce the erratic behavior of inmates!
Studies show that the color red can make you do poorly in exams due to its association with the danger of failure!
Did you know that the color blue is the least common color in the foods we eat?