10 Interesting Facts You Should Know About Barcelona
In 1999 Barcelona was the first and only city to date to receive the Royal Gold Medal for architecture.
Europe is full of dozens of cultures and ethnic groups, it can be an exciting place to explore!
But even if you can’t go there, you can still learn the facts about Europe until the day you book your ticket and head over for a visit!
In 1999 Barcelona was the first and only city to date to receive the Royal Gold Medal for architecture.
Did you know that Mount Everest is named after Welshman Sir George Everest?
The Sistine Chapel has the same dimensions as the Temple of Solomon, as described in the Old Testament.
The Museum of Toilets in New Delhi is home to hundreds of toilet-related paraphernalia, dating from the year 2500 BC.
London is one of the most cultural diverse cities in the world; about 25% of London's residents were born outside of England!
Did you know that in France, it is against the law to take photos of police officers or police vehicles?
Among the most common pub names in the U.K. are Crown, Red Lion, and Royal Oak.
High Street, Station Road, and Main Street are among the U.K.'s most popular street names.