15 Fun Facts About Cucumbers
Pureed or sliced cucumber gives an almost instant relief to sunburnt skin. Just place some against the affected area.
Fruit and vegetables – nature’s powerhouse of flavor and nutrition! From sweet, juicy fruits to nutrient-packed veggies, there’s a world of variety beyond the ones we eat every day. Whether you love them or need a little convincing, they’re essential for a healthy diet.
Discover fascinating facts about the many types of fruit and vegetables, their benefits, and the surprising stories behind them!
Pureed or sliced cucumber gives an almost instant relief to sunburnt skin. Just place some against the affected area.
Did you know that strawberries are the only fruit which has its seeds on the outside?
Ripe bananas can aid in digestive movements, however unripe bananas have the opposite effect.
Did you know that a pineapple is not an apple, or pine? It’s actually a berry!
Did you know that one serving of green peas contains as much Vitamin C as two large apples?
Did you know that during the Renaissance, ladies used lemon juice to redden their lips?
Clementines, Oranges, Satsumas and Tangerines are all types of Mandarins, which were originally cultivated in China.
Did you know that the original Greek name for the pumpkin was "pepon", which meant "large melon"?
Did you know that apples hold more health benefits than both oranges and pears?
A vegetable has no scientific definition, so a tomato can still be classed as a vegetable as well as a fruit.
Chewing gum is one of the ways of reducing the risk of crying while cutting onions.
American grapes are available in September and October every year although European grapes are available all year.