Twenty-Three Facts About the Number 23
Did you know that the fear of the number 23 is called Duotriophobia?
So you’ve got 10 minutes spare & you want some cool & random facts? Well look no further! In this section, we’ve broke it down for you, with useful fact lists to give you just enough information to satisfy your brain!
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Did you know that the fear of the number 23 is called Duotriophobia?
Over the years, Batman has had an array of love interests including Julie Madison, Catwoman, Vicki Vale, and of course Batwoman.
The Disneyland location in Anaheim is the only theme park directly supervised and built by Walt Disney.
Evangeline Lilly landed the role for Kate in "Lost" despite having no prior acting experience.
There are only four ingredients in Guinness - malted barley, hops, brewer’s yeast, and water.
Did you know that before 1971, Nike was actually called Blue Ribbon Sports?
Irish Gaelic is the official language of Ireland, but only 380,000 fluent speakers remain.
In order to reach Hastings, the Normans sailed about 700 ships across the English Channel.
In The Lord of the Rings, Gandalf’s name translates to “Elf of the wand”, which refers to the cane he always has with him.
Did you know that months that begin on a Sunday always have a Friday the 13th in them?
In Sweden, Saturday is often the only day of the week when young children are allowed to eat candy.
The Western World believes Friday 13th is a day of bad luck but number 13 is a lucky number in countries like Thailand and India.