20 Mouth-Watering Facts About Burger King
In Australia, Burger King is known as Hungry Jacks due to a copyright infringement of an existing company.
So you’ve got 10 minutes spare & you want some cool & random facts? Well look no further! In this section, we’ve broke it down for you, with useful fact lists to give you just enough information to satisfy your brain!
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In Australia, Burger King is known as Hungry Jacks due to a copyright infringement of an existing company.
The first country to build drones was Israel, with Israel Aerospace Industries heading the charge in terms of export numbers.
Did you know that food in Phuket is generally spicier than food in the rest of Thailand?
Jesus' final supper was so important that Leonardo da Vinci depicted the scene in his famous painting titled The Last Supper.
Before acting professionally Vera Farmiga worked in customer service for an air conditioning company.
In his spare time, Freddie Highmore is an accomplished musician, and enjoys spending time playing the clarinet.
Did you know that OJ Simpson’s father, Jimmie, was a well-known San Francisco drag queen?
Whilst on his way to Egypt, Napoleon took over Malta from the Knights in 1798.
Butterflies don’t taste with taste buds, but rather sensors located under their feet.
Meghan Trainor wrote her first original song when she was 13 titled “Give Me A Chance”.
Did you know that when Lent started, it was only 36 days? Later, it was changed to 40 days.
The Game Boy Light, a Japanese-only release, had a built-in backlit screen allowing people to play in low light conditions.