Twenty-Six Facts About The Number 26
Did you know that it takes an average person 13 seconds to count from 1 to 26?
So you’ve got 10 minutes spare & you want some cool & random facts? Well look no further! In this section, we’ve broke it down for you, with useful fact lists to give you just enough information to satisfy your brain!
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Did you know that it takes an average person 13 seconds to count from 1 to 26?
During 2014, Carter Reynolds was so popular on Twitter that one of the top ten hashtags was #CarterTo200K.
Superglue was patented by Dr. Harry Coover in 1958 after his accidental discovery kept getting him stuck to things.
Did you know that KFC’s famous bucket meal was first sold way back in 1957?
In 2007, Princess Peach ended up on Forbes’ list of Wealthiest Fictional Billionaires.
Did you know that September celebrates “National Blueberry Popsicle Month?”
The Olympic rings signify the world's 5 major regions; Africa, the Americas, Asia, Europe and Oceania.
Did you know that Barbados exports $57 million of rum worldwide every year?
Did you know owning an orange car apparently means you're fun-loving and trendy?
Pureed or sliced cucumber gives an almost instant relief to sunburnt skin. Just place some against the affected area.
Did you know that Alicia Keys started playing the piano when she was just 7 years old?
NASA has an office of Planetary Protection just in case we find life on another planet.