15 Meg Griffin Facts | Family Guy
Meg Griffin has had many jobs in the past including: waitress, singer, babysitter, cashier and she was even reality TV star.
So you’ve got 10 minutes spare & you want some cool & random facts? Well look no further! In this section, we’ve broke it down for you, with useful fact lists to give you just enough information to satisfy your brain!
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Meg Griffin has had many jobs in the past including: waitress, singer, babysitter, cashier and she was even reality TV star.
Did you know that the earliest game of Monopoly can be traced back to 1903?
Did you know that Pygmy Seahorses are less than an inch long and they can change colors?
Save China's Tigers are a conservation group, which is extremely successful at breeding and reintroducing tigers to the wild.
Fifty Shades of Grey is the fastest selling paperback of all time, even beating the Harry Potter series.
In Game of Thrones, there are more words within the Dothraki tongue for "kill" than there are for "love".
Did you know that a 28 sided polygon is called an icosikaioctagon?
Did you know that there are 37 different species of sugarcane and they all crossbreed with one another?
Call the Midwife was written in response to an article about under-represented midwives in literature.
Did you know that Yann Martel's first book "Seven Stories" was published in 1993?
The black "tear tracks" that line a cheetah's face prevent the sun from infiltrating and blinding the animal whilst hunting.
In France, it is tradition to make a wish while a pancake is being tossed, while holding a coin in the other hand.