15 Interesting Facts About The Planet Uranus
Did you know that the average surface temperature of Uranus is -371°F? This makes it the coldest planet in the solar system.
So you’ve got 10 minutes spare & you want some cool & random facts? Well look no further! In this section, we’ve broke it down for you, with useful fact lists to give you just enough information to satisfy your brain!
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Did you know that the average surface temperature of Uranus is -371°F? This makes it the coldest planet in the solar system.
Did you know that Nicholas Hoult can play the trombone?!
Did you know that JJ Hamblett from boy-band Union J admits that he both talks and walks when he's sleeping?
Did you know Nelsan Ellis joined the United States Marines when he was just 17 years old?
To make the Darth Vader suit in real life, it would cost over $18 million dollars.
Did you know that the oldest reference to pasta dates back to 1154?
Did you know that Wayne Rooney built his career and success without getting any GCSE's?
Victor Hugo started planning Les Miserables in the 1830's, and it wasn't published until 1862.
Did you know that Jaymi Hensley can turn his feet 180 degrees backwards?
In the opening sequence when Maggie is scanned at a checkout, the cost is related to the monthly cost of caring for a baby.
If you were to look up at the sky from Mercury, the Sun would appear to be twice the size than from here on Earth.
Lions usually kill their prey by strangulation, and not by using their teeth.