7 Sizzling Facts About Sausages
Did you know that sausages have been made and eaten by humans for over 5,000 years?
Meat – consumed and enjoyed globally, and for good reason! Not only is it delicious in almost every form, but it provides essential nutrients that our bodies need. Meaning, there’s no need to feel TOO guilty when you go for that second burger! Check out these other juicy facts about meat!
Did you know that sausages have been made and eaten by humans for over 5,000 years?
Breakfast is NOT the most important meal of the day. In 1944, General Foods coined the phrase to sell more cereal Grape Nuts.
Cow manure and urine release ammonia into the air. Because cows are kept together in farms, this ends up causing acid rain.
It was reported that Charles Darwin once gagged on a meal of brown owl, writing that the taste was "indescribable".
Truffles are one of the most expensive ingredients in the world, with white truffles costing up to $1,400 per pound.
Did you know that KFC’s famous bucket meal was first sold way back in 1957?
When astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin sat down to their first meal after their successful landing, they had bacon.
87% of British people believe that Christmas would not be the same without a traditional roast turkey.
The day of the most pizza sales in the United States is Super Bowl Sunday, followed by New Year's Eve.
There are many parts of a pig which is edible, the loin, belly, head, neck, leg and more!