How Much Would Darth Vader’s Suit Cost?
For just one prosthetic leg of the Darth Vader suit, it would cost $70,000.
Movies are simply magic. They have this ability to provoke every human emotion you could think of, and there’s a genre for every situation. From comedy and romance to thrillers and horrors and over half a million films to choose from we truly are spoilt for choice.
Buckle your seat belts as we give you the front seats to learn many top facts about some of the most critically acclaimed movies of all time, and a few minor ones too.
For just one prosthetic leg of the Darth Vader suit, it would cost $70,000.
Did you know that former President Obama’s favorite superhero is actually Spider-Man?
Daffy Duck once possessed a Green power ring in the animated series Duck Dodgers.
Lawrence Kasdan said in an interview that Kylo Ren was a much more complex character than the other bad guys he had created.
More than 2,000 weapons and 10,000 arrows were created for the filming of The Lord of the Rings trilogy.
During its peak times between 9pm and midnight, Netflix accounts for 33% of North Americans downstream traffic.
Mace Windu was born on the planet Haruun Kal. He was given to the Jedi Order at 6 months old, due to the death of his parents.
Although Lara Croft can use many weapons from her backpack, she prefers her two pistols.
To make the Darth Vader suit in real life, it would cost over $18 million dollars.
Chewbacca was played by Peter Mayhew, who is 7'3" tall. He was chosen to play Chewie because of his height.
In less than 100 years, Yoda achieved the title and rank of Jedi Master.
In Finding Nemo (2003) Nigel the pelican has nostrils. Pelicans don't have them - they breathe through their mouths.