26 Remarkable Facts About Raichu | Pokémon
The design and name for the Pokémon Raichu was inspired by two animals - a kangaroo and a rat.
Considering Pokémon has been around since 1996, it’s impressively maintained its popularity over all these years.
Now with over 800 different types of Pokémon, there’s a lot to about the Pokémon and the world they live in.
Take a look at these crazy facts about these mythical creatures!
The design and name for the Pokémon Raichu was inspired by two animals - a kangaroo and a rat.
The Pokémon Go mobile game was inspired by a 2014 Google April Fool’s prank.
Did you know that the Pokémon Slowbro can run up to 43 miles per hour?
The invention of the Pokéball pre-dates the Pokémon canon by a period of time between 400 - 700 years.
Charizard was voted as the favorite Pokémon character by Official Nintendo Magazine readers in February 2012.
Rumor has it that in Pokémon theory (yes that’s a real thing), Gengar is actually Clefable's shadow.
It seems Ash from Pokémon lost his friends after the 3rd generation as he entered the Sinnoh region once again completely alone.
When Ash from Pokémon first arrived in Hoenn (3rd generation) to find Pokémon and become a trainer, he was all alone.
Did you know that Ash Ketchum from Pokémon had to battle Misty for the right to keep Totodile?
Did you know when Ash’s Pokémon Charmander evolved, he became disobedient as his skill was too high for Ash to handle?
Did you know that a Pikachu will attack anything that pulls on its tail?
When Zapdos is sighted, which is a rare occasion; it's often during electrical storms.